Your cancellation request has been submitted.

You will receive an email containing a downloadable version of your cancellation information to your requested email address: and any refund due will be processed in accordance with our Terms of Service.

Please note that cancelling your subscription will mean your account will be terminated and you will no longer have access to any services purchased with PC Protect.

Should you have any questions, or require additional support, please visit our Help Center

If you no longer have access to your account, please use our Account Recovery Tool. We understand that losing access to your account can be frustrating and time-consuming. That's why we offer our Account Recovery Tool, a simple and secure way to help you regain access to your PC Protect subscription. Click here to begin.

Step 1 Open Once your free download has completed, click “PC Protect.exe” in the bottom corner
Step 2 Allow When prompted click “Yes” to allow PC Protect to install
Step 3 Install The PC Protect app will launch, click “Install” and follow the instructions provided